Hello World
After much deliberation over what my first blog should be about and reading hundreds of articles with titles; ‘be careful what you write’, ‘make sure your writing with the reader in mind’, ‘write content that sells’.
I’ve decided I’m going just going to introduce myself. I truly believe the idea of blogs and personal journals have been saturated and swallowed by another arm of the capitalistic world that is now.
A blog – to me, is a place where an individual can express a passion, a hobby, a vision, a thought, a fear and find pleasure in sharing it with other like minded individuals. Rather, today’s top blog are those from a commercial source hoping it can increase its market share.

So here it goes…

I’m a fashion student, and I’m almost half way through my placement year as part of my University course.
I don’t know about any of you, but as a kid in school I couldn’t wait to be older! I was so excited to start work and to do something that I loved.
For me – this excitement was to work in the fashion industry. I felt this elusive industry had so much to offer. I loved the thought of working in a fast paced industry with creative individuals with ambition.

As I’m sure with many people my age, I was faced with the question: Do I go to Uni?
A question that initiates a multitude of second questions:
– Do I need to go?
– Can I afford it?
– Is it worth the money?
– Can I get to where I want to be without the overinflated tuition fees?
– Can I be bothered with another three years of the British education system?

Well after all that pondering, I did as many of us feel we need to. I chose to go to University.
Though my answer was ‘no’ to the majority of that list. Uni is Uni. I wanted to have the experience if nothing else. I wasn’t disappointed! University has given me a lot more than I originally hoped for and gained life long friends along the way.
It really goes without saying that being responsible for yourself completely, is the most liberating feeling ever! Although I must admit, I do miss being taken care of slightly.

For those who are deliberating the question of whether or not to go to University. Really think about what’s best for you, and your situation. Don’t get sucked into feeling obliged to go. And persuaded by those Head of Sixth form teachers that say – a degree it is the best way of achieving a successful career.

In my case – no it wasn’t 100% compulsory for me to go, but I felt the additional experiences of University were worth it.
One of the best parts of University is that it’s a new slate. I’ve spoken with so many other students all of whom love the thought of reinventing themselves. For what ever reason. Whether they didn’t really fit it at school, or that they wanted to make a change in themselves. You can do what you like.

Uni for me, I thought was going to help shape what I wanted to do. This unfortunately was one of the biggest assumptions I’ve ever made. In fact over the last three years, I’ve never been so far from knowing what I want to do with my life.
Yes I do love fashion! But having had some experiences in the industry I’m slowing starting to doubt if it’s the right path for me. It has been very hard – someone who has always known what the next step is going to be. To find myself not having a bloody clue what I want.

So as I start 2014, I’m making a conscious effort to look at this problem in a different light:

How can I enjoy life more? What work will bring me the most happiness?

Try everything!