Archives for posts with tag: Bournemouth

This weekend (slightly late post) whilst perusing the streets of sunny Bournemouth we came across a gathering in the square of the city center. On further inspection it was a demonstration of a group called Zil’oKA. A French Caribbean group promoting the diversity of traditional rhythms, singing, and dances. 

French Caribbean


After standing and watching the group for only a few minutes you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by their connection with the music and to each other. They gathered quite a large crowd. It seems only fitting on the rare occasions the sun comes out to have a beautiful sound track of African percussion in the background. Many people were dotted around the square lounging on the grass, readying, soaking up the sun whilst listening to the groups catchy rhythms.

French Caribbean

Many people who were watching started to join in and dance with the group. Small kids would reluctantly let go of their parents hands and be draw into the circle of dancing.
It was really nice seeing a group of people joining together to share their passion with complete strangers. Although they were taking donations it felt as though the group were just humble to have the opportunity to share their music.

The group was made up of women and men of all ages playing tradition percussion. The women of the group were mainly dancers who would interact with the crowd.

Was lovely to be a part of their music and  helped me to get excited that summer is on it’s way!


This weekend I went to an event in Bournemouth called ‘secret walls’ held at the Winchester.

I’ve only been to the Winchester a handful of times and I’ve not been disappointed yet.  It’s a hidden gem! A place that is full of heart in every sense of the word. People are there to share, experience, and appreciate all types of art whether that being dance, spoken word, theatre, art or live music.

If you are ever in the area of Bournemouth, be sure to check it out. You’ll find a pure eclectic mix of underground music and people from all walks of life!

Last night was secret walls ‘Round 1′ – in simple terms an art off. An event where two artists battled against each other to turn a blank wall into a work of art in 90 minutes. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
As the rules state ’90 minutes, black and white, no sketches or pencils, GO BIG, OR GO HOME!!’


Secret Walls | Bournemouth nightlife

Secret Walls | Bournemouth nightlife

Secret Walls | Bournemouth nightlife

Secret Walls | Bournemouth nightlife

Secret Walls | Bournemouth nightlife

Secret Walls | Bournemouth nightlife

The event started at half 9 at which point it wasn’t too busy, but as the 90 minutes progressed the venue certainly picked up! It was such a good atmosphere! With music from DJ Roast Beatz, Extra medium, Selby and a Countryman Sound System UK afterparty.

The winner was Hula Herbert. Or ‘Tank girl’ as we were referring to her the whole night. (Wall on the left).
I did think she deserved to win, her piece was a lot more detailed and I especially loved the little mouse that is perched in the tank! Such a cute little touch!

As the winner of that round, Hula Herbert will go on to compete in round 2. I will definitely be there! I’ll be sure to keep you updated.

What do you think – who’s your favourite?